Herminio 2022-04-21 09:01:07
Breaking Bad Season 1
White, a high school chemistry teacher, developed advanced lung cancer at age 50. He wants to give his family a better life before he leaves, that is to make enough money. So he chose to take a risk and use his chemical knowledge to make methamphetamine. He can only make drugs, but not sell...
Napoleon 2022-04-21 09:01:07
Relive the classics
Some TV shows are intense when you watch them for the first time, but you don't have that excitement after watching them again, such as Game of Thrones. Some TV series seem to be boring after spoilers, such as many suspense dramas. Only breaking bad, never get tired of watching it. Especially for...

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Ted Beneke: [Opens door] Can I help you?
Kuby: Yeah! Thanks.
[Kuby and Huell walk past Beneke, into Beneke's house]
Ted Beneke: Hey, you can't just... what's this about?
Kuby: I'll tell you what this is about, Mr. Beneke. It's about you and me doing our best to keep Huell happy.
Ted Beneke: Huell? Who's Huell?
Kuby: [Pointing at Huell] This is Huell. Huell, are you happy?
Huell: Reasonably.
Kuby: What would make you unhappy?
Huell: This little mofo not doing what he's told.
Kuby: And if you were to become unhappy, Mr. Beneke wouldn't care for that?
Huell: I'm gonna say "no".
Kuby: [to Beneke] Well, there you have it! Let's go find your checkbook.
Declan (Ferreira, Louis): Who the hell are ya?
Walter White: You know.
Walter White: You all know exactly who I am.
Walter White: Say my name.
Declan (Ferreira, Louis): Do what? I don't...
Declan (Ferreira, Louis): I don't have a damn clue who the hell you are.
Walter White: Yeah, you do. I'm the cook.
Walter White: I'm the man who killed Gus Fring.
Declan (Ferreira, Louis): Bullshit. Cartel got Fring.
Walter White: Are you sure?
Walter White: That's right.
Walter White: Now... say my name.
Declan (Ferreira, Louis): Heisenberg.
Walter White: You're goddamn right.