Mícheál Óg Lane

Mícheál Óg Lane

  • Born:
  • Height: 6' (1.83 m)
  • Extended Reading

    The Guard quotes

    • Aidan McBride: [entering the pub] Little early for a drink. You're still on duty. You've been gone all afternoon.

      Sergeant Gerry Boyle: [playing a video game] You gonna continue to make a series of declarative statements, or are you gonna fuckin' tell me something?

    • Sergeant Gerry Boyle: [interrupting the briefing] I thought only black lads were drug dealers?

      FBI agent Wendell Everett: I'm sorry, what?

      Sergeant Gerry Boyle: I thought only black lads were drug dealers? And Mexicans. What do they call them. They have a word for them.

      FBI agent Wendell Everett: Yeah, there's a word for you too, sir. But I'm not gonna go into that right now. Anyway, as I was saying, these men are highly dangerous...

      Sergeant Gerry Boyle: [blurting out] Mules. Drug mules.

      Gerry Stanton: That's enough of your guff now, Boyle. Apologize to the man.

      Sergeant Gerry Boyle: Huh? Apologize for what?

      FBI agent Wendell Everett: For your racist slurs, for one thing.

      Sergeant Gerry Boyle: I'm Irish, racism is part of my culture.