Michael Travis Stone

Michael Travis Stone

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Ray quotes

    • Ray Charles: [Listening to the trumpet playing] Ah, c'mon, Q it's not that complicated. Now let's just play it again. That's a b-flat, c-7th, scale it up and triple off the back end.

      [Listens to the trumpet]

      Ray Charles: Yah-da-da-da-da, yeah. That's it.

      Marlene: Ray, what did I tell you about cooking in the dark? Are you trying to burn the house down?

      Ray Charles: Think about it, Marlene, what do I need the light for?

      Marlene: Well, you don't need to be cooking anyway. We brought you take out from Oscar's.

      Ray Charles: Well, get your money back. I got fried chicken right here. Come on, 7-0, try this.

      Quincy Jones: Yeah, it's about time.

      Ray Charles: Yeah, that's home cooked right there.

      Marlene: [Ray offers her some of the chicken] No, thank you.

      Quincy Jones: Mmm, this is the most 6-9. Just needs a little hot sauce, be perfect.

      Ray Charles: So, what'd Jack Lauderdale have to say?

      Marlene: Oh, I clocked him comin' out the gate. The man was a two-bit hustler.

      Ray Charles: Oh, I see.

      Gossie McKee: Yeah, it turns out the only hit Swingtime ever had was Open the Door, Richard which was a joke record.

      Ray Charles: Well, what about him recording me?

      Marlene: Oh, he'll record you, if we pay the freight.

      Ray Charles: Scratch a lie. Find a thief.

      Marlene: What's that supposed to mean?

      Ray Charles: This.

      [Shows some cash]

      Ray Charles: You see I saw Jack Lauderdale tonight and he gave me a $500.00 advance on my record. He also said he'd put me on the road with Lowell Folsum and pay me three times as much as you been paying me.

      Marlene: Now, that's a lie!

      Gossie McKee: Ain't no way he's gonna put some blind man on the road. Think about it! I mean, you need watchin' out for and he ain't got to time to look after you the way I been lookin' after you.

      Ray Charles: Is that what you been doing, Gossie, watchin' out for me? Is that why you get paid double what I do?

      Gossie McKee: Who told you that?

      Ray Charles: Well, it's true, ain't it. You and Marlene been gamin' me since I got here.

      Marlene: Ray, baby, listen.

      Ray Charles: Ain't got to listen to you!

    • Gossie McKee: What the hell's Ray doin' up there?

      Marlene: Auditionin' for you Gossie.

      Gossie McKee: He ain't no good without me.

      Marlene: How'd you and the 'Bama like to do a week here at the Chair. I know a good bass player. Nice jazz trio can score big. With the right manager.

      Gossie McKee: Manager?

      Marlene: Come on now, Gossie, don't be so small minded. You know you have to give to get.

      Gossie McKee: What exactly do I have to give?

      Marlene: Twenty-five percent. But I'll be gettin' you other gigs.

      Gossie McKee: Alright. Next question. What do I get?

      Marlene: What do you need?

      Gossie McKee: Double scale as leader. Plus ten percent.

      Marlene: What about the 'Bama?

      Gossie McKee: He's about as green as a blade of grass. I can handle him.

      Marlene: Yeah, he's green alright. So, Gossie, you don't have to worry about finding a hotel room for the 'Bama. He can flop at my place.

      Gossie McKee: You don't never change.