Michael Matthews

Michael Matthews

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  • Extended Reading

    Love and Monsters quotes

    • Joel: I'm alive because of the generosity of a few strangers and the kindness of a great dog. My colony and I are headed to the mountains. There's supposed to be less monsters there. And don't get me wrong. The surface is a dangerous place. But I don't think hiding underground is the answer anymore. There is a great big, beautiful, inspiring world out there. And I know you think it might be impossible, but it's not. If I can survive out here, anybody can. It's like a good friend once told me. Good instincts are earned by making mistakes. If you're lucky enough to survive a few mistakes, you're gonna do all right out here. In this recording, you'll find everything I know about our new world. Most of this I had to learn the hard way. Hopefully, it'll make your way a little easier. So crank open that hatch. Okay, come on. Breathe some fresh air. Go. Live your life. It won't be easy, but it'll be worth it. I traveled 85 miles to find what I had been missing below ground for seven years was right above my head this whole time. And it's incredible. Oh, and one last thing. Don't settle. You don't have to. Not even at the end of the world. Signing off, Joel Dawson.

    • Joel: I don't want to die all alone at the end of the world.