Michael Hudson

Michael Hudson

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Dirty Grandpa quotes

    • Jason Kelly: [shows up in a yellow sweater and plaid slacks] Well, how do I look?

      Dick Kelly: Like the keynote speaker at a butt-fucking convention.

    • Lenore: For what it's worth, I still really wanna fuck you.

      Dick Kelly: Oh, we're gonna fuck.

      Lenore: Yeah, we are.

      Dick Kelly: We're gonna thunderfuck.

      Lenore: You're gonna tsunami on my face.

      Dick Kelly: You're gonna flood like the Nile.

      Lenore: Yeah, I guess the drought in my pussy is finally over.

      Dick Kelly: The villagers will finally eat.

      Lenore: If you're gonna die while you're eating me out, I want your last breath to be in my pussy.

      Cody: Lenore, you're such a slut!