Melissa McBride

Melissa McBride

  • Born: 1965-5-23
  • Height: 5' 5¾" (1.67 m)
  • Extended Reading

    Pirates of Silicon Valley quotes

    • Tim Patterson: Why do you want to buy my operating system?

      Paul Allen: We think we might be able to, uh, mess with it, and, uh, resell it.

      Tim Patterson: Who to?

      Paul Allen: We've got some people we're sorta talkin' to. Some of 'em don't really want it known what we're doin' with 'em and they made us sign a secrecy agreement.

      Tim Patterson: And you're offering us...?

      Paul Allen: Fifty thousand.

      Tim Patterson: Dollars?

      Paul Allen: Dollars.

    • [first lines]

      Steve Jobs: I don't want you to think of this as just a film - some process of converting electrons and magnetic impulses into shapes and figures and sounds. No. Listen to me. We're here to make a dent in the universe. Otherwise, why even be here? We're creating a completely new consciousness, like an artist or poet. That's how you have to think of this. We're rewriting the history of human thought with what we're doing.

      Ridley Scott: Right. Well, Steven, at the moment I'm a touch more worried about getting light on the actress. Do you know what I mean?