McKenzie Shea

McKenzie Shea

  • Born:
  • Height: 5' 3" (1.6 m)
  • Profession: actor
  • Representative Works: "Noah's Ark: Journey of Creation"
  • McKenzie Shea is an actor, his representative works include "Noah's Ark: Journey of Creation", "Burning Blue" and so on.
    Extended Reading

    Evan Almighty quotes

    • Rita: [upon seeing Evan's beard] Evan, what happened? Did you fall in a mine shaft?

      Evan Baxter: No.

      Rita: Did you just come out of a coma?

      Evan Baxter: No.

      Rita: Were you attacked by a werewolf?

      Evan Baxter: No, I wasn't.

      Rita: Well, if you were going for that rugged look, I think you over-shot it.

    • Ark Reporter: What makes you think God chose you?

      Evan Baxter: He chose all of us.