Matthias Bundschuh

Matthias Bundschuh

  • Born: 1966-0-0
  • Height: 5' 10¾" (1.8 m)
  • Extended Reading

    Hannah Arendt quotes

    • Hannah Arendt: He considered himself an obedient servant of Germany who had to obey the Fuhrer's orders. "My loyalty is my honor." The Fuhrer's orders became the law. He didn't feel guilty in the sense of the indictment. He behaved according to the law.

      Hans Jonas: Hannah, it's been proven that Eichmann pursued the Final Solution even after Himmler had long since forbidden it. And why? He wanted to finish *his* work.

      Heinrich Blücher: Don't you see that every law, every commandment was turned upside down. It was not "Thou shalt not kill," but "Thou must kill." To do your duty, goodness was a temptation you had to resist.

      Hans Jonas: Great. So no one is responsible or guilty. Every sane person knows murder is wrong.

    • Mary McCarthy: Oh, Hemmingway was just an ambulance driver. Thomas, as a writer he was nothing more than the premature ejaculator of the 20th Century.

      Thomas Miller: Oh, you just hate him because he wrote like a real man.