Mason Mackie

Mason Mackie

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

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    Grudge Match quotes

    • B.J.: [to Kid] You know, I was pissed off at my mom for not telling me about you, but I can see she was right about you.

    • [Lightning brings a bucket of horse urine for Razor]

      Henry 'Razor' Sharp: I'm not putting my hands in horse urine!

      Lightning: So you're telling me you're a better boxer than Jack Dempsey? Every day, Jack Dempsey would soak his hands in horse urine! And nobody ever had a tougher punch than Jack Dempsey!

      Henry 'Razor' Sharp: [resigned] Did you heat it up? Or is it fresh?

      [dips his fists in the bucket]

      Lightning: It's vinegar, I'm kidding!... It's urine!

      [Razor pulls his fist out]

      Lightning: It's vinegar!


      Lightning: It's urine!


      Lightning: It's vinegar!


      Lightning: It's urine!


      Lightning: It's vinegar!


      Henry 'Razor' Sharp: Hey, come on!