Flo 2022-10-30 02:32:32
The fun of the Deblin coach Xueye Mountain Temple
The mountain is covered by heavy snow, and revenge is proceeding step by step. Even after the death of two sons, the target of revenge is still unaware and vigilant. He has been indulged in the bully in the mountains for a long time. He is too confident and has lost his combat effectiveness. Kill...
Easton 2022-09-09 17:58:31
Unique style and repeatedly sketched scene structure
Similar to this kind of slow-paced westerns, you can only integrate yourself into the plot if you let yourself go, which is different from mainstream westerns, a wonderful viewing experience!
When the protagonist played by Sam Riley faces his biological father, the facial expressions of the...

Martin Leutgeb
[first lines]
Luzi: [narrating] Some things may not be spoken of things from the past--from long ago. But this does not mean you can ever forget them. There are things that can never be forgotten.
[last lines]
Luzi: [narrating] He almost died of fever. He was ill for three weeks. Nobody said a thing, though there were many who wanted to chase him away. Or do worse. Old Brenner had sown his seed in every family. And freedom is a gift that not everyone likes to receive.
Luzi: This year spring came earlier than usual. It was in March, just before noon, when Greider headed off. He looked back one last time. That was the last time I saw him. That day I told Lukas that I was with child. He was pleased and proud, because at last something good had happened.