[while Dancing in the Lodge in Dulais]
Jonathan: God! I miss disco!
[Talking to the receptionist of a Record Company]
Receptionist: There are no gay artists on this label. I'm sorry.
Mark: They don't have to be gay. That's the point. This is a coming together of all different people...
[Phone Rings, The Receptionist Answers and Shoo's Mike and Mark Away]
Mark: [as They Leave the Building, Mark Runs Off to the Side]
Mike: What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?
[Mark is Writing on the Wall Underneath Two Posters]
Mark: That's the number for Gay Switchboard. You never know. One of them might need it one day.
[the Two Posters are Revealed to Be of Soft Cell and Elton John]
Margaret Thatcher
Extended Reading