Malik Barnhardt

Malik Barnhardt

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    8 Mile quotes

    • DJ Iz: That's why brothers need to sign themselves a deal. I'm telling you record labels supply niggas with the kind of benefits they need.

      Sol: Dawg, we sign us a deal you can take the motherfucking benefits. We're talking Bentley's and Benjamins, not Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

      Future: Look to tell you all niggas the truth, I don't give a fuck about none of that. I just wanna hit 31 and a 3rd on the box you know what I'm saying? One of them strong songs on JLB.

      DJ Iz: No, what we need to do is save that shit up and put it into some savings bonds every week, stack it and build our own studio.

      Future: Savings Bonds?

      Sol: [to DJ] Let me ask you a question, Dawg. How the fuck are we brothers? We need fine bitches and fat rides, not no goddamn savings bonds.

      Jimmy Smith Jr: Man, that's all we ever do is talk shit!

      Jimmy Smith Jr: [imitating Sol] "We need to get fine bitches and fat rides".

      Jimmy Smith Jr: [imitating DJ] "No, what we need to do is put our money in savings bonds".

      Jimmy Smith Jr: [imitating Future] "No, what we need to do is put our songs on JLB".

      Jimmy Smith Jr: Man, shut the fuck up. All of us never do shit about nothin' and we're still broke as fuck and living at home with our moms.

    • Alex: [after having sex] You were so good outside.

      B. Rabbit: In line at a lunch truck?