Madison Eginton

Madison Eginton

  • Born: 1989-8-28
  • Height: 5' 2" (1.57 m)
  • Extended Reading

    Star Trek: Generations quotes

    • Kirk: Did we do it? Did we make a difference?

      Picard: Oh, yes. We made a difference. Thank you.

      Kirk: Least I could do for the captain of the Enterprise.

      [last words]

      Kirk: It was... fun. Oh, my...

    • [first lines]

      [the journalists are all talking at the same time, trying to get their questions in]

      Journalist #3: How does it feel to be back on the Enterprise bridge?

      Journalist #1: Captain Chekov, what are the most significant changes...

      Journalist #3: Captain Kirk, can I ask you a few questions?

      Journalist #1: Did you participate in the redesign?

      Journalist #3: We'd like to know how you feel about being...

      Kirk: I appreciate the...

      Harriman: Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. There will be plenty of time for questions later. I'm Captain John Harriman and I'd like to welcome you all aboard.

      Kirk: It's our pleasure.

      Harriman: I just want you to know how excited we all are to have a group of living legends with us on our maiden voyage. I remember reading about your missions when I was in grade school.

      Kirk: Oh, really? Well, may we have a look around?

      Harriman: Please. Please.