Xzavier 2022-10-23 20:17:59
This is a movie released in 1991. Based on true events in the Hollywood film industry in the 1950s. De Niro plays a director, David Merry.
In the United States in 1950, under the deceit of Senator McCarthy, a wave of anti-communism was launched in the United States. First and foremost is Hollywood....
Mikel 2022-10-23 14:59:39
Quite good looking
I recently watched Guilty By Suspicion. This movie was unpopular, but it was very good. It gave me a history of exclusion/persecution of (suspected) communists in Hollywood that I was not familiar with before.
There is an interesting detail, Martin Scorsese cameo in the film as a friend of the...

Luke Edwards
Extended Reading
Dorothy Nolan: I'm afraid to talk to my friends, my husband is crazy, we're all dead!
David Merrill: ...I inform on these people, they lose their jobs, they lose their... everything.