Luciano Pavarotti

Luciano Pavarotti

  • Born: 1935-10-12
  • Height: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
  • Extended Reading

    The Queen quotes

    • HM Queen Elizabeth II: Oh, really? You don't think that what affection people once had for m... for this 'institution' has been diminished?

      Tony Blair: No, not at all. You are more respected now than ever.

      HM Queen Elizabeth II: I gather some of your closest advisors were less fulsome in their support.

      Tony Blair: One or two... But as a leader, I could never have added my voice to that chorus.

      HM Queen Elizabeth II: Because you saw all those headlines and you thought: 'One day that might happen to me'...

      Tony Blair: Oh... er...

      HM Queen Elizabeth II: ...and it will, Mr. Blair. Quite suddenly and without warning... So, shall we get on with the business in hand?

    • Prince Charles: They're going back to sleep, or try anyways. My private secretary office have found a travel agency out in New York that will sell me a flight to Paris, with a hour stop over in Manchester. Perhaps now you might like to consider whether it's still an extravagance to bring back the mother of the future king of England. In one of our planes.