Sasha: Yas, you have to join chorus. You know you have the most insane voice ever.
Yasmin: Not a chance. Remember kindergarten? Me, ''Mary Had a LittIe Lamb,'' throw-up, 30 kids screaming? Yeah. I think I'll own journalism instead.
Jade: [to Cloe after the girls get detention for the food fight] You started it, clumsy!
Cloe: I tripped. Excuse me, Princess Perfect.
Sasha: That is so like you! You've always been the queen of denial.
Jade: You know what? Neither one of you ever thinks anything through. It's always me having to pick up the pieces.
Sasha: That's interesting. We haven't talked in two years ever since you dumped us to be queen of the dorks!
Jade: Me? You haven't spoken to any of us since you went all cheerleader.
[mocking Sasha]
Jade: "I'm not a snob, I'm just better than you are, yeah!"
Logan Browning
Extended Reading