Jimmy 2022-04-23 06:01:02
R-rated "Halloween Family Fun" for horror film fans
I understand why Chris would highly recommend this Halloween "must-see". In the horror genre, he not only interprets "fear" seriously, but also has all kinds of jokes and comedies. Movie lovers who like horror movies should be able to see a lot of things. The headmaster Steven Wilkins's part is a...
Bailee 2022-04-23 07:02:57
spooky black fairy tale
Anyone who was expecting to find something deep was wrong to begin with; the film just wasn't that ambitious. It just wanted to tell 4 little stories that happened on Halloween. String those broken pieces together into a horror fairy tale that calls out to childhood nightmares. This is a ghost...

Livia Mortison
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[the kids on their way to the location of the Halloween School Bus Massacre]
Chip: You must really like Halloween.
Rhonda: You mean Samhain?
Chip: What?
Rhonda: Samhain, also known as All Hallows' Eve, also known as Halloween. Pre-dating Christianity, the Celtic holiday was celebrated on the one night between autumn and winter when the barrier between the living and the dead was thinnest and often involved rituals that included human sacrifice.
[awkward silence]
Rhonda: I like your eye patch.
Chip: Huh.
[the response of the kids after Macy tells them the school bus massacre story]
Sara: You are so full of shit.
Macy: Really? Well, then I guess you won't mind being first.
Sara: First what?
Macy: Eight victim, eight jack-o'-lanterns, each one representing a lost soul. So we're going to leave them by the side of the lake as an offering to those who died.
Chip: Oh.