Lisa Leone

Lisa Leone

  • Born:
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    Eyes Wide Shut quotes

    • Gayle: Do you know what's so nice about doctors?

      Dr. Bill Harford: Usually a lot less than people imagine.

      Gayle: They always seem so knowledgeable.

      Dr. Bill Harford: Oh, they are very knowledgeable about all sorts of things.

      Gayle: But I bet they work too hard. Just think of all they miss.

      Dr. Bill Harford: You're probably right.

    • Dr. Bill Harford: Now, where exactly are we going... exactly?

      Gayle: Where the rainbow ends.

      Dr. Bill Harford: Where the rainbow ends?

      Nuala: Don't you want to go where the rainbow ends?

      Dr. Bill Harford: Well, now that depends where that is.

      Gayle: Well, let's find out.