Lionel Murton

Lionel Murton

  • Born: 1915-6-2
  • Height: 6' (1.83 m)
  • Extended Reading

    Goldfinger quotes

    • Radio Newsman: [broadcasting on radio, over Bond and Jill, who are kissing passionately in bed] Station WEBS brings you the latest in world news. Washington... at the White House today, the president said that he was entirely satisfied...

      [Bond switches off the radio]

      James Bond: [to Jill] That makes two of us.

    • Auric Goldfinger: Ah, welcome to AuricStud, Mr. Bond.

      [gesturing toward a horse]

      Auric Goldfinger: Beautiful animal, isn't she?

      James Bond: Certainly better bred than the owner.