Geo 2022-03-16 09:01:09
Hot trend of thought, yes, this is a history of women's awakening
{Don't rush to be a man, learn to be a man before that}
The history of women's awakening, the delicate foreshadowing, and the expression and rendering of emotions are really from the hands of female directors.
Only women can express the inner struggles of the same women in a close and completely...
Lola 2022-01-29 08:09:54
justice triumphs over evil
When I saw the part of Razhu's marriage proposal that Billie the prostitute refused, I remembered Margaret from "La Traviata", but Billie was so strong. At first, it was only Billie's boss who said that her prostitute was a prostitute. However, she expressed her love for her "queen" in the way...

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