Lee Oakes

Lee Oakes

  • Born: 1974-0-0
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Daylight quotes

    • Kit Latura: [hearing the tunnel collapsing on itself] Keep trying you piece of shit. Keep trying. You've killed everybody else. You know what, you haven't killed me.

      [readies an explosive]

      Kit Latura: I have found your heart, and I'm gonna blow it right out of you

      [thrusts the explosive right into the wall of mud]

    • Chief Dennis Wilson: [to Bloom, who has just emerged from an air shaft] Whaddya got?

      Bloom: Sorry, Chief. Blocked about twenty feet in.


      Bloom: Structure's so shaky, I wouldn't even risk a firecracker.

      Chief Dennis Wilson: What about hydraulics? We brace up as we go...

      Bloom: Can't be done!

      Chief Dennis Wilson: You listen to me. The person who says it can't be done is always interrupted by the one who just did it!

      [Climbs into air shaft; air shaft immediately collapses, killing Wilson]