Lee Garrett

Lee Garrett

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  • Extended Reading

    The Vanishing of Sidney Hall quotes

    • Sidney Hall: Gloria... she had a virginal quality that contrasted with her ice cool outer shell... yeah, she was a bitch, for sure... Her breasts, her cheekbones, her legs; she saw that in the mirror every morning and was well aware of the power they held over men. No one could touch her or intimidate her. I once saw Brad Dorsey, the captain of the soccer team, crying by his locker. She had dumped him after one date and took his balls with her. From that day forward he never played sports again.

    • Sidney Hall: Once Melody left me, it dawned on me, looking out at all of those wonderful city lights, that I was just one of those millions of city lights, a tiny little pixel, buried within the white noise of life, blinking on for just a brief second in time.