Leagh Conwell

Leagh Conwell

  • Born: 1990-2-8
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    A Knight's Tale quotes

    • Jocelyn: Even the peasants can marry for love.

    • William: Can you keep a secret?

      [the lone girl nods]

      William: I was born in Cheapside, in that house over there.

      [points it out to the girl]

      Lone Girl in Cheapside: Really? I live just there.

      [points to the house across from it]

      William: Wait, how old are you?

      Lone Girl in Cheapside: Nine and one half, sir.

      William: Nine and one half. I wonder, can you remember a man, although probably died just before you were born. He was as tall as a knight, his name was John Thatcher.

      Lone Girl in Cheapside: Well of course I remember him.

      William: You do?

      Lone Girl in Cheapside: Yeah, he lives there still.

      [William is shocked]

      Lone Girl in Cheapside: Sometimes you can see him looking from his window, though no one knows why.

      William: What do you mean?

      Lone Girl in Cheapside: He's blind, sir.