Arden 2022-04-19 09:01:29
Gilbert eats himself
I found that I really like watching ordinary people's life films, maybe because my life is calm and boring, and changes do not happen instantaneously. When I see that every ordinary person is confused by life, I will take some comfort.
It's not everything in his life that eats Jibo, but his attitude...
Angela 2022-04-20 09:01:19
Life is painful and beautiful at the same time.
For Gilbert, the heavy family burden has always been on his shoulders. What he dreams of is a big house, his mother is not laughed at, his younger brother is no longer mentally retarded, and his younger sister can be more sensible. It feels like he has no life of his own. . In the waiting life of...

Laura Harrington
What's Eating Gilbert Grape quotes
Mr. Lamson: What's going on over there at "Food Land"?
Gilbert: [labeling price tags on cans] I wouldn't know, I don't shop there.
[puts a can up and looks at boss]
Gilbert: I'd rather die.
Becky: It's a praying mantis. Do you know how they mate? The male will sneak up on the female and she'll bite off his head and the rest of his body will keep on mating and when they're done... She'll eat him. She'll eat the rest of him.