Party Member #4: Lisa looks hot tonight.
Chris-R: Hey, Denny.
Denny: Chris-R. I've been lookin' for you.
Chris-R: Yeah, sure you have. You have my money, right?
Denny: Yeah. It's comin'. It'll be here in a few minutes.
Chris-R: What do you mean it's coming, Denny? Where's... my money?
Denny: Okay. Just- Just give me five minutes. Just give me five.
Chris-R: Five minutes? You want five fucking minutes, Denny? You know what? I haven't got five fucking minutes!
[Draws his gun, grabs Denny and pulls him towards the ground]
Chris-R: I'm gonna ask you again, Denny. Where's my money?
Denny: I don't have anything.
Chris-R: Where's my money, Denny? Where's my *fucking* money, Denny? What did you do with my fucking money?
Denny: I swear to God. It's coming.
Chris-R: Where's my fuckin' money, Denny?
Denny: Put the gun down!
[Johnny and Mark arrive, running to Denny to help him]
Chris-R: My fucking money! Where's my fucking money, Denny?
Johnny: What's with this guy?
Chris-R: Get off! You're fuckin' dead, Denny!
Lisa: What's going on here? Somebody help!
Johnny: Let's take him to the police.
Kyle Vogt
Extended Reading