Kristin Charney

Kristin Charney

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Men in Black II quotes

    • Agent J: Stay!

      Frank the Pug: Listen, partner. I may look like a dog, but I only play one here on Earth.

      Agent J: OK, wipe your mouth.

    • Agent J: [Jay is hiding Laura at the Worms' place] Here's my communicator. You'll be safe here.

      Worms: [Laura kisses Jay] Whooooh!

      Agent J: Uh... just... watch out for Neeble.

      Laura: Which one's Neeble?

      Agent J: Um... err... which one o' y'all's Neeble?

      Neeble: Yo, mama!

      Agent J: Ah, there ya go. And... uh... don't fall asleep.

      [Jay exits]

      Worms: Twister!