Kristbjörg Kjeld

Kristbjörg Kjeld

  • Born: 1935-6-18
  • Birthplace: Reykjavik
  • Height:
  • Profession: actor
  • Nationality: Iceland
  • Representative Works: Zach Schneider Edition Justice League
  • Kristbjörg Kjeld, born on June 18, 1935 in Reykjavík , Iceland, is an Icelandic film and television actor. [1] 
    Extended Reading

    Zack Snyder's Justice League quotes

    • [the Flash is trapped in the Speed Force]

      The Flash: OK. Just gotta go faster than the speed of light - far beyond the speed of light. You gotta break the rule, Barry and you gotta do it now.

      [starts to run]

      The Flash: Dad, whatever happens now, I just want you to know: your kid was one of them, dad. One of the best of the best.


      The Flash: Make your own future. Make your own past. It's all... right... now.

    • DeSaad: I told you Steppenwolf would fail.

      Darkseid: Yes. Yes, you did.

      DeSaad: My master, now that the Mother Boxes have been destroyed, how will you retrive your great prize?

      Darkseid: Anti-Life is found, DeSaad. And we will stop at nothing to possess it. Ready the armada. We will use the old ways.