Jordan 2022-07-26 21:28:41
A model of British awkwardness
I have watched this drama and the imitation of the United States. The Americans and the British are really not the same species. It’s really
nothing. In this version of the United Kingdom, we can see the British people’s weirdness, inherent embarrassment, awkwardness, and incomprehension.... -
Keyshawn 2022-07-26 23:52:46
Happy Ending
Today will
I finished watching the first season, and the final ending was a happy Christmas company party, and I saw it on the third day of the new year. The most interesting thing about is the truth, unlike the American TV show, my favorite character is Tim, honestly I hate the name, Tim...

Kellie Shirley
Gareth: I'm not homophobic, all right? Come around, look at my C.D collection. You'll find Queen, George Michael, Pet Shop Boys. They're all bummers.
David Brent: How old would you say I was, if you didn't know me?
Employee: Forty?
David Brent: No, how old do you think I look?
Employee: Ummm... thirty-nine?
David Brent: Most people think I look about thirty.
Employee: Definitely not.
David Brent: Oh, are you calling them liars? How old do YOU think I look?
Oliver: Between thirty and forty?
David Brent: Yes. More honest.