Katja Studt

Katja Studt

  • Born: 1973-8-3
  • Height: 5' 7¼" (1.71 m)
  • Extended Reading

    Sunshine quotes

    • Adam Sors: We are afraid to see clearly and of being seen clearly.

    • Ivan Sors: [speaking to the graveside of Andor Knorr] Andor Knorr, one of your murderers has come to your grave, to say goodbye to you. I was your first interrogator, someone who you trained to defend the cause without mercy. We believed we were going to make the world better place for people, but, instead, we made it so much worse. As servants of power-hungry criminals, we became criminals. Our politicians lied to the people by saying they were doing good. And then the people lied to the politicians by saying that they believed them. I'm not just saying goodbye to you. I'm also saying goodbye to myself. I stood by and watching my father be... tortured and executed, and I did nothing. Then I watched them do the same thing to you, and I did nothing. I make a promise here at your graveside, to do everything to punish those who have turned ideals into crimes.