Katie Jarvis

Katie Jarvis

  • Born: 1991-6-22
  • Height: 5' 8½" (1.74 m)
  • Extended Reading

    Fish Tank quotes

    • Joanne: [as Mia bends over, drinking from faucet] Get some clothes on, Mia

      Mia: I've got some clothes on.

      Joanne: You're half naked.

      Mia: [drinks again] You don't normally care.

      Joanne: Yeah, well I do now, so - get dressed.

      Mia: Why are you talking different?

      Joanne: [to Connor] We should get a move on, yeah?

      Tyler: Where you going?

      Joanne: Not going nowhere.

      Tyler: Well, why did you just say, "Shall we get a move on then"?

      Joanne: Listen, we're only going for a drive.

      Connor: You want to come?

      Joanne: No!

      Tyler: Yeah! Yeah!

      Joanne: No, they don't want to come.

      Tyler: I do.

      Joanne: We're not going nowhere.

      Tyler: I don't care. I still want to come.

      Connor: Off you go, then, and get dressed.

      Tyler: [exit] Thanks for that.

      Connor: [to Mia] What about you?

      Joanne: No, she won't want to.

      Connor: We're leaving in 20 minutes.

      Mia: Yeah. All right. I'd love to come.

    • [first lines]

      [Mia calls Keeley using a cellphone]

      Keeley: [from an answering machine] Hey, it's Keeley. Leave me a message.

      Mia: Keeley, it's me. What's going on? I've left like three messages. I said sorry, didn't I? You know what I'm like. I was pissed off. Ring me back, you bitch.