Kateri Walker

Kateri Walker

  • Born:
  • Height: 5' 5" (1.65 m)
  • Extended Reading

    The Scarlet Letter quotes

    • Hester Prynne: [in labor] Are you sure God's not punishing me?

      Harriet Hibbons: To be sure he's punishing you, woman. He be giving you a child.

    • Reverand Arthur Dimmesdale: Rev. Dimmensdale: Gary Oldman: Oh, yes, I... I'm sorry, I didn't realize. I should have announced my presence. What are you reading?

      Hester Prynne: - Hester Prynne: Demi Moore "Comus", it's by John - John Milton.

      Reverand Arthur Dimmesdale: Rev. Dim: I know it. I've read it. Have you?

      Hester Prynne: Hester P.: I'm not all counterpanes and coverlets.