Kate Reinders

Kate Reinders

  • Born: 1980-12-10
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    While You Were Sleeping quotes

    • Jerry: [at Celeste's party. Jack went along with Lucy, and was mistaken for Peter] Peter?

      Lucy: I gotta talk to you.

      Jerry: Geez, he looks good.

      Lucy: That's not Peter. That's Jack.

      Jerry: Uh, who's Jack again?

      Lucy: Peter's brother.

      Jerry: Peter's the guy that's in a coma.

      Lucy: Yeah.

      Jerry: So then why did you bring Jack?

      Lucy: I didn't bring Jack. He followed me here.

      Jerry: So Jack's the fiancé?

      Lucy: No, Peter.

      Jerry: Peter doesn't even know you exist.

      Lucy: I know.

      Jerry: So Jack is Peter?

      Lucy: Yeah.

      Jerry: Lucy!

      Lucy: Yeah?

      Jerry: They have doctors for this kind of thing!

    • Lucy: Hi. So, more questions?

      Jack: No, I have an engagement present for you.

      Lucy: Uh, you really shouldn't have.

      Jack: I didn't. It's from my parents.

      Lucy: Oh.

      Jack: It's furniture. You want me to bring it up? Hey, was that Saul I saw leaving?

      [there is a thud in the background. Joe Jr. is trying something on in Lucy's closet]

      Jack: What's that?

      Lucy: [lying] Cat.

      Jack: [suspicious] Big cat.

      Lucy: Um, I th - I think y - I think you should, um, bring it to, uh, t - bring it to Peter's apartment.

      Jack: You don't know what it is.

      Lucy: Well, you know, anything would look nicer in Peter's apartment.

      [there is a thud again from Lucy's closet]

      Lucy: You know what? I'll come with you.

      Joe Jr.: [as Lucy closes the door, Joe Jr. is heard falling down in the closet] Ooh!