Justin Rain

Justin Rain

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    The Twilight Saga: Eclipse quotes

    • Edward Cullen: [to Victoria] You won't get another chance like this again! You want her! You want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James! When I tore him to pieces. When I turned him into ash. When I turned him into nothing.

    • Charlie Swan: Hey, you want a sandwhich?

      Bella Swan: No, I'm good.

      Charlie Swan: Well, his sister I like.

      Bella Swan: Alice, yeah she's great.


      Bella Swan: ... Hey dad, I was wondering... why didn't you get re-married, after mom?

      Charlie Swan: Uh, I don't know... uh I guess I haven't met the right gal.


      Charlie Swan: why?

      Bella Swan: I don't know. I thought you just maybe gave up on the whole institution of it, of marriage... But do you think theres any value in it?

      Charlie Swan: Yep. Yeah, marriage has value... when your older, much older. Like your mother, uh, seemed to work out fine for her the second time around, later in life.

      Bella Swan: Yeah I guess.

      Charlie Swan: I mean, you definitely don't want to have to get married cause your not... um careful.

      Bella Swan: ...what?

      Charlie Swan: Your know what I'm talking about. Theres... things that you need to think about if your going to be... physically intimate...

      Bella Swan: Okay, don't have "the talk", please.

      Charlie Swan: It's just as embarrassing for me as it is for you.

      Bella Swan: I doubt that. And don't bother, cause mom bet you to it like ten years ago.

      Charlie Swan: Well, you didn't have a boyfriend ten years ago.

      Bella Swan: I'm sure things work the same way.

      Charlie Swan: ...alright, so, you guys are taking precaution?

      Bella Swan: Okay, dad, please just don't worry about... that. Edward is... old school.

      Charlie Swan: Old school, great. What's that, like a code for something?

      Bella Swan: Oh my God, dad, I'm a virgin!

      Charlie Swan: Ah, di-di-di-di, okay... glad we covered that.

      Bella Swan: [runs up stairs] Me too!

      Charlie Swan: Virgin... I'm liking Edward a little more now.

      [Bites sandwhich]