Justin Benson

Justin Benson

  • Born: 1983-6-9
  • Height: 6' 2" (1.88 m)
  • Extended Reading

    Contracted: Phase II quotes

    • Riley: [as one of Riley's parolees is clawing at her skin] Ricky! Ricky!

      Ricky: [Ricky comes in the office to see the parolee clawing at her skin] Aw Hell Naw

    • James: Just be glad you don't have what Samantha had got.

      Riley: Why, what'd she have?

      James: Well, you know, they're not really telling me much but my buddy over at the coroner's office said it's some kind of necrotic STD - it's some really gnarly shit.

      Riley: Shit?

      Riley: Yeah... well you didn't fuck her did you?

      James: Neh... What? No.