Major: Did they send you to bring me in?
Batou: I'm just here to fish. Did you see any?
Major: You're a company man. You follow orders, so if they ordered you to kill me...
Batou: Stop saying shit like that. You're gonna piss me off.
Togusa: [to Ishikawa] Something's different. What'd you get?
Ladriya: Why do you always think he's out there enhancing?
Togusa: Because he is.
Ishikawa: [lifts shirt to reveal a scar] Cyber-mech liver. Been saving up for a while. Now it's last call every night.
Togusa: You got enhanced so you can drink more?
Ladriya: Embrace the enhancements, Togusa. We wouldn't be here without it.
Togusa: I'm all human and happy, thanks.
Julian Gaertner
Extended Reading