Judi Farr

Judi Farr

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Oscar and Lucinda quotes

    • [last lines]

      Narrator: When Dennis Hasset told Lucinda the baby's history, she had only one thought in mind.

      [Lucinda growls]

      Narrator: [laughing]


      Narrator: A dream, a lie, a wager - love. This is the story Lucinda gave to my grandfather... and I give to you.

      Oscar Hopkins: [as Oscar's Great Grandson] All right. Let's go home.

      [Oscar's Great Great Granddaughter nods]

      Oscar Hopkins: Yeah? Check for rocks.

      [Choir singing]

    • Theophilus: You have reclassified your mama's buttons.

      Young Oscar: Yes, Father.

      Theophilus: The taxonomic principle being color... . with the spectrum from left to right.

      Young Oscar: with size , the second principle of order.

      Theophilus: Very Good.