Josh Hammond

Josh Hammond

  • Born: 1979-9-7
  • Height: 6' (1.83 m)
  • Extended Reading

    Jeepers Creepers 2 quotes

    • Sheila, Radio Announcer: The fire which gutted the church south of Pertwella four days ago continues to offer up a gruesome bounty. County Sheriffs excavating the charred ruins estimate the body count is now up well past three hundred. County coroners say that the bodies were found stitched to each other, covering the basement's walls and ceiling. One on-the-scene witness called it "a human tapestry of torture and sadism," and a sight he will never forget.

      Peter, Radio Announcer: Sheila, the details keep getting stranger and stranger every day this week, it seems. Any new information?

      Sheila, Radio Announcer: Some of the corpses they have found had false teeth made out of wood. That means some of the bodies they're finding down there are over two hundred years old. But Peter, it's the condition of the cadavers that's the strangest fact of all. The county coroner's office reported yesterday that they have yet to find any one complete body. Each one is missing an external limb or an internal organ.

    • Coach Dwayne Barnes: [holding a throwing star with teeth in it] Did you get a good look at the points on this thing? It's either ivory or some kind of bone.

      Coach Charlie Hanna: Throw that damn thing away before you need a tetanus shot!