Joseph C. Nemec III

Joseph C. Nemec III

  • Born: 1948-11-7
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    The Abyss quotes

    • Virgil: Linds, I want you to stay away from that guy. I mean it.

      Alan "Hippy" Carnes: The guy is gone. Did you see his hands?

      Lindsey Brigman: What? He got the shakes?

      Virgil: Look, he's operating on his own. He's cut off from his chain of command. He's showing signs of pressure-induced psychosis, and he's got a nuclear weapon. So as a personal favor to me, will you try to put your tongue in neutral for a while?

      Alan "Hippy" Carnes: [nervous] I got to tell you, I give this whole thing a sphincter-factor of about nine point five.

    • Lindsey Brigman: So raise your hand if you think that was a Russian water-tentacle.