Jon Hayden

Jon Hayden

  • Born:
  • Height: 6' (1.83 m)
  • Profession: actor
  • Representative Works: Indianapolis: the brave fearless
  • Jon Hayden, actor, major works include "Indianapolis: The Brave Fearless" [1]  .
    Extended Reading

    Moscow on the Hudson quotes

    • Lionel Witherspoon, Bloomingdales Security Officer: [as a clearly nervous Vladimir pours water over himself in Bloomingdale's] What do you think you're doing?

      Vladimir Ivanoff: I defect.

      Lionel Witherspoon, Bloomingdales Security Officer: Not here, you don't. There's a men's room down the hall.

    • Boris, KGB man: [speech given before going to America]

      [in Russian]

      Boris, KGB man: Stay away from places like the Subway.

      Boris, KGB man: [looks towards Yuri]

      Yuri: [now in English] Times Square,

      Boris, KGB man: uh, Teems Square,

      Yuri: Greenich Villlage

      Boris, KGB man: uh, Grenich yillage,

      Yuri: Rockefeller Center

      Boris, KGB man: Kak?

      [Russian for "What?]

      Yuri: Rockefeller Center

      Boris, KGB man: Reekafeller Tsyenter

      Yuri: [shrugs]

      Boris, KGB man: [shrugs]