Estevan 2022-06-14 15:22:28
Watch "The Secret History of the Russian Palace" and talk about the indifference of the people when the Soviet Union disintegrated
Watch "The Secret History of the Russian Palace" and talk about the indifference of
the people when the Soviet Union disintegrated. Sam, an American who shot commercials in Shanghai, worked as a movie extra, and also did business, went back to the United States to run errands. I took the... -
Nels 2022-06-14 19:26:39
A film that clarifies history
Three hours is a little long. There are a few things about this movie that are really touching, especially the ending. It's not too early, so a few nonsense.
One, when I was a child, I watched a Xinjiang movie about the theft of cultural relics by the Russian army in Xinjiang. In a thunderstorm, a...

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[as Nagorny is to be executed]
Tsarevich Alexei: I'd like to kill them.
Tsar Nicholas II: Wait and see. They'll do what's right.
Tsarevich Alexei: I know him. He's a murderer.
Tsar Nicholas II: He's a thoughtful man. He'll send Nagorny back to us. He's not a monster. I've never known a heart without some murder in it. I made these men. They are our Russians. I am responsible for what they are. I let them starve. I put them in prisons. And I shot them. If there's hatred in them now, I put it there. But they ARE filled with love. And mercy, too. You must remember that.
Tsarevich Alexei: They are all murderers.
[the execution shot is heard outside]
Tsarevich Alexei: I'd like to kill them all.
Tsar Nicholas II: Nagorny is innocent. He's like a child. You don't shoot children, do you? In your new world, are there penalties for innocence?
Yurovsky: Sometimes.