John D'Leo

John D'Leo

  • Born: 1995-7-8
  • Birthplace: New Jersey, USA
  • Height:
  • Profession: actor
  • Nationality: America
  • Representative Works: Unbroken, "malavita"
  • John D'Leo, born on July 8, 1995 in New Jersey, USA, is an actor and his main representative work " Unbroken ".

    Performing Experience

    In 2013, John D'Leo starred in the movie " Malavita ".
    Extended Reading

    Dirty Movie quotes

    • [first lines]

      Narrator: Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free - and looking for a government handout, a free lunch, and a dental plan too - The wretched refuse of your teeming shores, Your unwashed yellows and browns and all colors in between. Jews and Gentiles, Muslims and Hindus, and anyone else with funny hats, and we will make fun of them.