Eloy 2022-01-07 15:53:12
Twins, a connection beyond pornography
At the beginning of the film, the twins discuss the in vitro fertilization of fish. They said that if humans live in water, there is no need to have a direct physical relationship; they can become like fish, where the female lays eggs and the male fertilizes it. Through this egg outside the... -
Toby 2022-01-07 15:53:12
Taken from Baudrillard's cold memory 3 P164-P165
twins are born: the greatest misfortune.
Feeling more than half of yourself or just half of yourself—this is the fate of those twin sisters (Sisters Gibbons in perfume ads), because they are so alike that they don’t look like anything. The same...

John Bayliss
Winnifred 2022-04-22 07:01:41
I always hope to see more freak, cult final dull endings in Cronenberg's films and cause a little disappointment is actually my problem. . . Jeremy Irons is an absolute gem!
Laurianne 2022-04-22 07:01:41
David Cronenberg does an amazing job with actors, especially British actors, Jeremy Irons (twice), John Lone, James Spader, Ralph Fiennes. Here, Jeremy Irons' acting skills exploded. The outgoing and flamboyant brother of the brother and the sensitivity and vulnerability of the younger brother can become a work that purely appreciates Tie Shuyan, but the story is not particularly bizarre and a bit boring. The decoration of the clinic and home is simple and sci-fi, and the clothes for the doctor's examination are like nun clothes.
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Beverly Mantle: Yes they are, though there are a couple of extra ones that shouldn't be.
Claire Niveau: Not funny.
Beverly Mantle: Uh no, I wasn't joking.
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