Johannes Nikolussi

Johannes Nikolussi

  • Born: 1956-0-0
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

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    Anatomy quotes

    • Prof. Grombek: [first words - as med student works over cadaver bare-handed] Gloves Kaminski, gloves. The lady's a study aid, not Sharon Stone.

      student hecklers: Yeah, Kaminski instincts are very basic... They're more fun when they're alive.

      Prof. Grombek: Alright, pipe down. That's enough for this group. Ever seen a drowning victim? Tomorrow's putrefaction day.

      Paula Henning: Uh, professor? There seems to be some kind of anomaly in the pelvic region.

      Prof. Grombek: A penis per chance? It's not an anomaly, it's that little boys are created differently than little girls. Can you tell me what it is?

      Paula Henning: [drops the organ] Slippery is what it is.

    • Hein: [to Caspar] Shut your mouth or I'll slit your vocal cords.