[regarding Fox News' attacks on Mr. Rogers' philosophies]
Junlei Li: The criticism goes like this: "You told everyone they're special. They don't have to do anything to earn that special. That's what's wrong with our country. That's what's wrong with children today." I'm sure by then Fred had heard the criticisms, but he's not talking about entitlement. And if you don't believe that everyone has inherent value, you might as well go against the fundamental notion of Christianity that you are the beloved son or daughter of God.
[regarding the urban legends surrounding Fred]
Tom Junod: That, to me, is just, like, a classic example of people looking at Fred in all his eccentricity and singularity, and trying to basically say, "Well, that can't be. He has to be this way."
Joe Negri
Extended Reading
Won't You Be My Neighbor? quotes