Joanna Ferbrache

Joanna Ferbrache

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    Pitch Perfect 3 quotes

    • Chloe: Bellas, a toast.

      [the other girls cheer]

      Chloe: To the most amazing group of women I have ever known.

      [they cheer again]

      Chloe: I would do anything to sing with you guys again...

      [on the verge of tears]

      Chloe: Anything! I mean, really, I could just crap myself!

    • Beca: Guys, we've never competed against bands that actually have instruments. So what's the plan?

      Serenity: Aw, you guys just sing other people's songs, right? Like karaoke? That's so cute!

      Calamity: I'm Calamity. This is Serenity, Veracity, and Charity.

      Fat Amy: If I joined your group I could be obesity.