Jimmy O'Neill

Jimmy O'Neill

  • Born: 1940-1-8
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    The Flintstones quotes

    • Fred Flintstone: [while reading from an issue of "Weird Detective" magazine] Hmmmm, here's the "Crook of the Month" - "Fifteen thousand reward for information leading to apprehension of Albert Bonehart - wanted for questioning in disappearance of three former wives - Bonehart's fourth wife was last seen in a railroad station - in a valise, a ladies hat box and an executive's brief case." Well, that's one way of sending your wife to the country.

    • Barney Rubble: [upon seeing an assembled mastodon skeleton after sneaking into the Brickrock home] Your suspicions were correct, Fred. There she is - Agatha Brickrock with her outside removed.

      Fred Flintstone: That's not Agatha; that's a mastodon.

      Barney Rubble: A whats-a-don?

      Fred Flintstone: A big thing with a lumpy body, thick legs, a long nose, floppy ears, and tusks.

      Barney Rubble: Sounds like Agatha to me.