Bryce 2022-03-24 08:01:05
Crossing over, or can you cross over her heart?
【Crossing Over】
You just can not cross over her heart.
Years ago, I was looking forward to the film released in 09.
Looking forward to Transformers Iron Man Wolverine, looking forward to the progress of the unscrupulous bastard Sherlock Holmes incident.
Before I know it, half of 09 will pass
. About... -
Therese 2022-03-26 09:01:15
cross the border
We can't blame or question the ruthlessness of US immigration laws when we see people who are working hard for their dreams, those who are working hard for their lives, those who are screaming for freedom, and those who are doing their best for a better life and tomorrow. , because this is for the...

Jim Sturgess
Performing Experience
Personal Life
Character Evaluation
Reagan 2022-03-27 09:01:23
This one is good, the Forbers are so nice, and the Riley Ota line is the best
Deshaun 2022-03-25 09:01:23
Don't label this movie easily because of Harrison Ford. To him, this kind of movie seems to be ten years too late. For us, this movie also seems to be ten years too late... Thinking of storing mobile phones, queuing, body Check, the indistinct face behind that little window, that short conversation... how many stories are there...
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[in order to convince the immigration adjudicator that he is entitled to receive Green Card, Gavin is requested to demonstrate his familiarity with the Jewish religion by reciting "Kaddish" prayer - a Jewish prayer, most of it Aramic. Since the atheist Gavin has little knowledge of Jewish religion, he recites instead a mishmash of prayers, blessings, hymns and non-religious songs in Hebrew]
Gavin Kossef: Baruch ata, Adonay, melech haolam...
[= Blessed are you, Lord, King of the universe]
Gavin Kossef: Hevenu shalom alechem...
[= We brought you peace]
Gavin Kossef: Bore pri hagafen...
[= Who creates the fruit of the vine]
Gavin Kossef: Vetzivanu lehadlik ner shel shabat...
[= And commanded us to light a candle of Sabbath]
Gavin Kossef: Melech haolam...
[= King of the universe]
Gavin Kossef: Hevenu shalom alechem...
[= We brought you peace]
Gavin Kossef: Adon olam asher malach...
[= Eternal Master, who reigned supreme]
Gavin Kossef: A-a-a-men.
[first lines]
Max Brogan: What do you want me to do?
San Pedro ICE Processing Agent: Look, it's not my problem.
Max Brogan: All I'm asking, Stevens, is did the old man get seen to? He was sweating and shaking when I put him on the bus. He said his arm felt numb.
San Pedro ICE Processing Agent: Jesus Christ, Brogan, everything is a humanitarian crisis with you. You've signed off on more orders of recognizance than the rest of your unit combined.
Max Brogan: Don't give me that shit. The man's about to have a goddamn heart attack. I want him seen to.