Jill Dixon

Jill Dixon

  • Born: 1935-0-0
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    A Night to Remember quotes

    • Lady Richard: [observing the strict "Women and Children" first policy on the port side of the Boat Deck] It's absurd. On the other side the gentlemen are going in the boats with their ladies. Why on earth we're standing here, I don't know.

      Sir Richard: But... Well, there'll be room in the boats for everybody.

      Lady Richard: Of course there will.

    • Robbie Lucas: Oh, Mister Andrews?

      Andrews: Yes?

      Robbie Lucas: I'd like you to tell me something. I... I have a wife and three children on board. Just how serious is it?

      [Andrews hesitates]

      Robbie Lucas: I'm not the panicking kind.

      Andrews: The ship has about an hour to live. A little more, if some of the upper bulkheads hold, but not much more. Get your wife and children into the boats.

      Robbie Lucas: Thank you.

      [Andrews walks off]

      Robbie Lucas: Oh, Mister Andrews?

      [Andrews stops and turns around]

      Robbie Lucas: I take it you and I might both be in the same boat later?

      Andrews: [smiles sadly] Yes... We may.