Tamara 2022-04-03 09:01:12
Too many words to write a brief review. . .
When Lao Bai saw Jane's death, his sadness was real. Why didn't he think of quitting the drug industry? Isn't he usually aware that his methamphetamine will also harm other children, although it is not as powerful as heroin. . .
Jane's father and wife are pitiful. . . [There must be more children.... -
Theodora 2022-04-21 09:03:52
Almost became a male frequency cool article
Honest, good, diligent people's teacher was forced to go to Liangshan's golden finger to open up and become a drug lord who no one could control. He opened his harem and reached the peak of his life.
This is your male frequency Shuangwen male protagonist.

Jesus Jr.
Demetrius 2022-04-05 09:01:07
I fucking watched the special features in this season's disc! The quarrel video of Jesse and badger's band "twaught hammer", the home made MV (badger's main vocal, jesse, writing lyrics, writing, writing, shooting, editing, director, do you want to face it? Too thirteen!) and the laughing scene that made me laugh so hard ! ! !
Jess 2022-04-05 09:01:07
This season is not as good as the first season. The first few episodes are very strong. It started to go downhill from EP5, and the lowest point was 7, 8, and 9. Fortunately, the last few episodes were very good. It was not the wonderful praise of the first season, but the script was too incredible.
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Hank Schrader: Yeah, I recognize these two knobjobs. Known associates of a psychotic piece of shit named Tuco Salamanca.
Steven Gomez: Guess he got tired of associating.
Steven Gomez: APD sent this over. This was about eight or ten days ago. You know Southwest Aniline, right?
Hank Schrader: Yeah, off the 25? The place smells like feet.
Steven Gomez: This is them. Check this out.
Hank Schrader: [watching the surveillance tape] Holy shit. What was that?
Steven Gomez: Thermite. So they tell me. Burns about 5,000 degrees. Kind of stuff you see on a James Bond movie.
Hank Schrader: Nice. Guys who know their trade.
[watching the perps carrying a barrel]
Hank Schrader: Ah, wait. I take that back.
Hank Schrader: What, they didn't think about stealing a hand truck? Hey, try rolling it, morons. It's a barrel. It rolls. Jesus. So, what'd they get?
Steven Gomez: Methylamine, 30 gallons.
Hank Schrader: P2P? They're cooking old-school biker meth. Who the hell still does that?
Steven Gomez: All the old timers I know are either dead or in prison.
Hank Schrader: Pesudo's in short supply, so these two make do by changing the formula. That and the thermite, I'd say these two know their chemistry.
Steven Gomez: But ranking them as burglars?
Hank Schrader: [laughing again] Shit. I wouldn't trust these two to break into the Special Olympics. They got book learning but no street skills.
Steven Gomez: Maybe they're college kids. Chem students trying to make a big score.
Hank Schrader: Yeah, maybe. I tell you, 30 gallons of precursor... that big a score, they're gonna wind up stepping on some toes. I tell you what, they better pray it's us who catches up to 'em and not those boys from Juarez.