Jessica Grayson

Jessica Grayson

  • Born: 1886-3-7
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading

    The Little Foxes quotes

    • Regina Giddens: Alexandra, I've come to the end of my rope. Somewhere there's got to be what I want, too. Life goes too fast. You can go where you want, do what you want, think what you want. I'd like to keep you with me but I won't make you stay. No, I won't make you stay.

      Alexandra Giddens: [thoughtful] You couldn't, Mama. Because I don't want to stay with you. Because I'm beginning to understand about things. Addie said there were people who ate the earth and those that stood around and watched them do it. And just then Uncle Ben said the same thing. Really the same thing. Tell him from me, Mama, I'm not going to watch you do it.

    • Ben Hubbard: Down here we have a strange custom. We drink the last drink as a toast. That's to prove that the Southerner's always on his feet for the last drink.

      [later he admitted to making that up for the occasion]